BWF Exclusive: Member Editorials
Welcome! This is a page that's almost exclusive to the BWF. Very few Basement/Garage/Backyard wrestling websites have commentaries about their own federation. A few dedicated members of the BWF have taken time out of their schedules to choose a topic or issue in the BWF to write their opinions about. Select the commentary you want to view below, and we hope you enjoy!
The Boris Report: I'll recap all of the action of the last BWF episode, as well as all of the backstage information that only I can get ahold of. Don't even think this has anything to do with that lame Ross Report. I don't have a screwed up mouth, damnit!
In this commentary, the two fiercely competing wrestling feds in the greater Pittsburgh area are compared and contrasted by BWF member Jack. The new features of the BWF are brought up, and put against the long standing Garage League Wrestling - The Basement Wrestling Federation vs. Garage League Wrestling - 11/13