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Erik Ferguson

Midway through the existance of the BWF a new face appeared; however, this new member performed a task other than wrestling: Erik Ferguson is the one and only announcer / color commentator / owner of the BWF! While initially he only played the first two roles, Melissa Beck decided rim jobs were more exciting than BWF so Mr. Ferguson became the new owner. His roles include mocking King El Boriso, not knowing names for any moves, mocking King El Boriso, not being aware of current plots, mocking King El Boriso, and spilling Cherry Coke(R) all over the fucking place.

In an interesting turn of events, Mr. Ferguson challenged Bronco Fleabag to a match after he interfered with a speech. Mr. Ferguson lost the match in part to Bronco Fleabag's insistance to use greco-roman wrestling moves [rather than stand up like a professional wrestler] but mostly due to King El Boriso's failed attempt to help him--Boriso hit Mr. Ferguson over the head! The owner then decided Boriso would run a gauntlet... and when Boriso succeeded, he came in and created hiself as a new wrestler, conquering Boriso with a dreaded 42-hit combo.*

Ferg Info

Finishing Move: Ultra Combo

Trademark Moves: Missed Elbow Drop

Quote: "Once Again, the downsides of Crystal Meth"

Music: Hed P.E. - Ken2012

Title Holder: BWF Belt (1) [forfeited title]

*Not necessarily accurate.